Juunikuu aias/ June garden

Juunikuu aias algas ikka veel jätkuva kevadise pika põuaga. Kokkulepped vanajumalaga, et mina külvan-istutan ja tema kastab, paraku enam ei kehti. Aed on pidevalt voolikuid täis veetud, koduloom (mururobot) kinni pandud, sest kokku nad omavahel ei sobi. Vahepeal tuleb loom muidugi lahti lasta, sest keegi ju ometi peab võilillevarred maha niitma. Midagi muud enam niita väga pole. Kui kuu alguses oli muru veel enam-vähem, siis jaanipäevaks oli järel vaid kena kollane plats. Õnneks sadas enne jaanipäeva maha korralik vihm, mis loodetavasti asja veidi paremaks tegi. Suurt muutust igatahes veel ei paista. Rododendronid ajasid juba lehti maha ja õitsesid nirult, aga ka otse kaevust neile vett selga lasta ei julgenud. Hachmann’s Feuerschein’ ® ikka lõpuks näitas midagi, aga ülejäänud olid väga kidurad.

June in the garden began with a long spring drought that still continues. Agreements with the old god that I sow and plant and he waters are unfortunately no longer valid. The garden is constantly filled with hoses, the domestic animal (lawn robot) is closed up because they don’t match. In the meantime, of course, the animal must be released, because someone has to mow the dandelion stems. There is not much else to mow. If at the beginning of the month there was still more or less grass, by midsummer all that was left was a nice yellow square. Fortunately, it rained well before Midsummer, which hopefully made things a little better. Anyway, it doesn’t look like a big change yet. The rhododendrons were already shedding their leaves and blooming poorly, but they didn’t dare to water them directly from the well either. Hachmann’s Feuerschein’ ® finally showed something, but the rest were very poor.

Hachmann’s Feuerschein’ ®
04 June
Hosta Orange Marmalade
Hosta Carousel
Aedliivatee/ Thymus
Lõokannus/ Corydalis
Henry Kelsey
21 June

Imekombel pole hostad sellest kuivast end eriti segada lasknud. Ja aed-liivateedele meeldib selline kliima kohe väga. Ning üks suur pluss on sellel kevadisel põual veel: teod on vist lõpuks looja karja läinud. Läksin suure hirmuga peale korralikku sadu õue ja ootasin, et no nüüd küll kõik lausa kubiseb tigudest, aga ainult mõned vastupidavamad veel kooserdasid ringi. Ma pole meie aias nii vähe tigusid veel näinudki.

Miraculously, the hostas haven’t let this dry spell bother them much. And thymus like this climate very much right away. And there is one more big plus in this spring drought: I guess the snails have finally gone to the creator’s herd. With great fear, I went outside after a good rain and expected that, well, everything is literally swarming with snails, but only a few more resistant ones were still hanging around. I have never seen so few snails in our garden.

Thymus Highland Cream
23 June
Eeuwige Passie
Henry Kelsey 28 June
30 June

Jah, viimasel pildil ronib hernes mööda metsviinapuud. Nii juhtub, kui kevadel herned aiale liiga lähedale külvad…

Yeah, in the last picture the pea is climbing the wild vine. This is what happens when you sow peas too close to the garden in the spring…

Istusin õhtul terrassil ja kuulasin rohutirtsu siristamist. Juunikuus? Augustis nagu ei peaks olema või?

I sat on the terrace in the evening and listened to the chirping of the grasshopper. In June? Shouldn’t it be in August?

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