Talv pole veel kahjuks läbi, aga pikalt püsinud sula lubas lõpuks aias ilma suurema sumpamiseta ringi vaadata. Talvekahjud on sel aastal märkimisväärsed. Novembri lõpus sadas korraga maha paks lõputu märg lumekiht ja tegi ühe ööga oma töö. Tegelikult oli juba hommikul aknast välja vaadates selge, et jama on majas. Isegi kanada kuusk Conica oli lumekoorma all laiali vajunud. Päästetud said need, keda veel päästa andis.
Unfortunately, winter is not over yet, but the long-lasting thaw finally allowed me to look around the garden without too much fuss. Winter damage is significant this year. At the end of November, a thick, endless layer of wet snow fell all at once and did its job in one night. In fact, looking out the window already in the morning, it was clear that there was trouble in the house. Even the Canadian spruce Conica had sunked under the weight of snow. Those who could still be saved, were saved.
Vahepeal sulas enamik mahasadanud lund ära, aga siis tulid suured külmad. Neile, kellele tavaliselt igaks juhuks veidi lund peale olen lükanud, polnud sedapuhku midagi lükata. Võimalikud külmakahjustused selguvad siis kevadel, kui neid on.
In the meantime, most of the snow that had fallen melted away, but then great cold came. For those who I usually put a little snow on just in case, there was nothing to push on this occasion. Possible frost damage will be revealed in the spring, if there is any.
Talvekahjud/winter damage
Paksust märjast lumest tingitud talvekahjud tekkisid aga seal, kus neid oodatagi ei osanud. Tavaliselt kipuvad lume all ära murduma laiuva kadaka oksad, aga seekord oli suurimaks kannatajaks hoopis Hibernica, kel pole kunagi lumega probleeme olnud.
However, winter damage caused by thick, wet snow occurred where it was least expected. Usually the branches of the sprawling juniper tend to break under the snow, but this time the biggest sufferer was Hibernica, which has never had any problems with snow.
Isegi suur ebatsuuga kaotas lume raskuse all mitu suurt oksa:
Even a large pseudotsuga lost several large branches under the weight of the snow:
Suurim üllatus ootas aga taga aianurgas, kus esimese hooga midagi halba kahtlustadagi ei osanud. Aga noh, kuidagi imelikult lage tundus sealkandis… Looja karja olid läinud vanad suured ploomid, kes kenasti varjasid naabri taga-aeda. Vanad ja seenetanud olid nad juba ennegi, aga nüüd siis sai aeg lõpuks täis.
The biggest surprise, however, was waiting in the corner of the garden, where at first glance one could not even suspect anything bad. But well, it seemed strangely empty around there… The big old plums, which nicely hid the neighbor’s backyard, had gone to the Creator’s herd. They were already old and mushroomed before, but now the time was finally up.
Niisiis tuleb sel kevadel esimese kevadtööna saag käima tõmmata ja puid tegema hakata. Keskmine kadakas Mint Julep, kes tavaliselt lume raskuse all mõned oksad kaotab, jõudis seekord päästmise ära oodata ja kaljukadakas Blue Arrow näitas õige pügamise tulemust: korralikult pügatuna ei tee lumi talle eriti midagi.
So this spring, the first spring work is to start the saw and start cutting trees. The medium juniper Mint Julep, which usually loses some branches under the weight of snow, managed to wait for rescue this time, and the rocky mountain juniper Blue Arrow showed the result of proper pruning: properly pruned, the snow does not do much to it.
Märtsikuu on veel ees ja varemgi on märtsis korralik talv tagasi tulnud. Loodetavasti ta enam suuremaid kahjusid kaasa ei too.
The month of March is still ahead, and even earlier in March, a good winter has returned. Hopefully he won’t cause more damage.