Novembrikuisel pimedal ja hallil ajal on parim aeg suviseid värve meenutada. Terrass on meil suur ja nii on igal suvel aiale lisaks ka terrassil amplites ja pottides värviline õieilu. Suvelilled naudivad siin täispäikest, kuigi joogivett läheb neile kõvasti.
The dark and gray weather of November is the best time to remember summer colors. We have a large terrace, so every summer, in addition to the garden, the terrace also has colorful flowers in amps and pots. Summer flowers enjoy full sun here, although they need a lot of drinking water.

Njah, peab mainima, et 2018-2019 olid terrassil ühed kenamad kombinatsioonid ja minul üks mu kehvema kaameraga telefone.
Well, it must be mentioned that in 2018-2019 there were some of the nicest combinations on the terrace and I had one of my phones with the worst camera.