Roosivõhiku roosid/Rose-layman’s roses

Meie aia esimene roos oli siin juba enne meid kasvanud väänroos New Dawn. Ehitusele jalgu jäädes on ta pidanud aias mitu korda ringi kolima, aga sellest hoolimata kõnnib katuseid mööda. Õnneks küll vaid kasvuhoone katusel.

The first rose in our garden was the New Dawn that had already grown here before us. Staying ahead for building, he has had to move around the garden several times, but despite this, he walks along the roofs. Fortunately, only on the roof of greenhouse.

Juba esimesel suvel kolis meie aeda kõige tavalisem valge näärelehine roos, keda on tulnud aastate jooksul tublisti vähemaks rookida, sest talle paistab siin väga meeldivat. Talle järgnes Robusta.

Already in the first summer, the most common white glandular-leaved rose moved into our garden, which has had to be greatly reduced over the years, because it seems to like it here very much. Next was Robusta.

Rosa pimpinellifolia Plena

Edasi tulid riburada pidi kõikvõimalikud potiroosid, kes on siin iseenesest ju hästi vastu pidanud, aga liigses lokkamises neid küll süüdistada ei saa.

Next came all kinds potted roses, which have held up well here, but you can’t blame them for overgrowing.

Rose Desse, mu lemmikvärv/my favorite color

Ühel hetkel leidsime, et peenrasse sobiks roos, kes veidi ka varju taluks. Nii jõudis meieni pinnakatteroos Rody.

At one point we thought that a rose that could tolerate a little shade would be suitable for the bed. That’s how the surface coating rose Rody came to us.


Tänu aiahoolikute poolt paljundatud liigsele istutusmaterjalile jõudis meile pargiroos, kelle nime pole suutnud kindlalt tuvastada. Kas Martin Frobisher?

Due to excessive planting material propagated by garden fanatics, we received a park rose whose name we have not been able to identify. Martin Frobisher?

Sünnipäevakingitusena tuli meile väänroos Compassion. Peaks olema üsna külmakindel, aga meil külmub igal talvel kõikvõimalikest katmismeetoditest hoolimata maani maha ja alustab uuel kevadel taas põõsasroosina.

As a birthday present, we received the Compassion rose. It should be quite frost-resistant, but every winter it freezes to the ground despite all kinds of covering methods, and it starts again as a bush rose in the new spring.

Roosid on ilusad, aga väga palju neid hooldada ei soovi. Valik langes Kanada rooside kasuks, kes peaks meie oludes hästi vastu pidama. 2020 saabusid lõhnavad kanadalased Champlain ja Henry Kelsey, kes pole hetkel veel õiget hoogu sisse saanud.

Roses are beautiful, but don’t want very much to take care of them. The choice fell in favor of Canadian roses, which should hold up well in our conditions. In 2020, the fragrant Canadians Champlain and Henry Kelsey arrived, who at the moment have not yet gained the right momentum.

Henry Kelsey

Umbkaudu samal ajal kanadalastega jäi omalaadse õievärviga silma pinnakatteroos Jazz®, kes peaks olema kirjude roostekarva oranzhikate õitega, kuid meie mullas on pigem punasekirju. Väga ilus ja igatepidi tänuväärne tegelane sellegipoolest. Lausa lemmik.

Around the same time as the Canadians, the groundcover rose Jazz® caught the eye with its unique flower color, which should have variegated rust-colored orangish flowers, but in our soil it is rather red variegated. Nevertheless, a very beautiful and in every way appreciable character. A real favorite.


Mõnusa lõhna ja õiterohkuse pärast sai soetatud Eeuwige Passie. Tema võiks olla teine suur lemmik, kuid kahjuks saime kaasavarana kaasa ka rooside tahmlaiksuse. Siit moraal: pole vaja roose ehituspoest osta. Kui senini pole võhikuna roose millegagi peale seebivee pritsima pidanud, siis nüüd tuleb end peenema keemiaga kurssi viia. Nagu lehetäidest veel vähe oleks…

Eeuwige Passie was purchased for its pleasant fragrance and abundance of flowers. He could be another big favorite, but unfortunately we also got soot stains on the roses as a dowry. Moral here: no need to buy roses from a hardware store. If until now not had to spray roses with anything apart soapy water, now we have to familiarize yourself with finer chemistry. As if aphids weren’t enough…

Eeuwige Passie

Ja miks võhik? Ei suuda orienteeruda erinevates auhindades, meeles pidada vajadust pritsida-väetada-katta. Kevadel komposti, talveks paar kuuseoksa ja suvel häda korral lehetäidele rohelist seepi. Kellele sellest ei piisa, peab välja kolima…

And why layman? Can’t navigate different prizes, can’t remember the need to spray-fertilize-cover. Compost in the spring, a few spruce branches for the winter and green soap for aphids in the summer in case of trouble. For whom it is not enough, this it has to move out…

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