Maikuu aias oli endiselt üks ilusamaid õitsemise aegu. Mai alguses puhkes üleni õide juba aprillis õitsemist alustanud magnoolia, talle sekundeerisid tulbid, nartsissid ja enelad. Kuu keskel hakkasid õisi näitama emajuured ja kivirikud.
May was still one of the most beautiful blooming times in the garden. At the beginning of May, the magnolia, which started blooming already in April, burst into full bloom, followed by tulips, daffodils and S. x cinerea . In the middle of the month, the spring gentian and Saxifraga x arendsii started to show flowers.
Viimastel piltidel olevate ilusate kollaste tulpidega on aga lugu selline, et kuigi sibulad said ostetud aianduspoest, oleksid nad pakendi järgi pidanud olema sellised:
However, the story with the beautiful yellow tulips in the last pictures is that although the bulbs were bought from a garden store, they should have been like this according to the package:
Pole ju väga sarnased?/ Not very similar, are they?
Kuu teisel poolel tuli rododendronite õiemeri. Peab ütlema, et nad pole juba mitu aastat nii kenasti õitsenud.
In the second half of the month came a sea of rhododendron flowers. It must be said that they have not bloomed so nicely for several years.
Kuu lõpus õitses kiviktaimla täies ilus./ At the end of the month, the rock garden bloomed in full beauty.