Mis ja milleks see siin on?
See on lihtsalt üks järjekordne aiablogi. Panen siia meie aia pilte taimede ja muude elementide sobitamisest üldpilti nii nagu see minu harakasilmale on mõnusam tundunud. Internet on täis pilte sellest, kuidas konkreetsed taimed lähedalt välja näevad. Noh, siia tulevad siis ka pildid sellest, kuidas nad koosluses teistega meie aias kokku sobitatud on.
Eesmärgiks on kunagi jõuda suhteliselt hooldusvaba aiani, mis aga ei takista mind katsetamast nii erinevate rühmapüsikute kui ka kääre nõudvate puude-põõsastega. Liigset poputamist nõudvad tegelased on lihtsalt millagi sunnitud paremasse koju kolima. Samuti selgub katsetuste käigus, kellele siinne savimuld ja ilm sobivad, kellele mitte. Korralikult klanitud aeda siit ei leia, sest tahame jätta endale aega ka tehtud töö nautimiseks.
Esmajärjekorras pean seda blogi ikka enda jaoks, aga kui ka teistel aiahuvilistel on siit ideid ja silmailu leida, siis tere tulemast. Ja äkki leiab keegi siit ka lohutust, et piisava tahtmise korral on liigset vaba aega omamata täiesti võimalik endale veidigi silmarõõmu tekitada.
Whats is it here and why?
This is just another garden blog. I’m putting here pictures of our garden from the matching of plants and other elements to the general picture in the form that it has seemed most pleasant to my magpie’s-eye. The internet is full of pictures of what specific plants look like up close. Well, here are the pictures of how they are matched together with others in our garden.
The goal is someday reach to the relatively maintenance-free garden, but that doesn’t stop me from experimenting with different group perennials and trees-shrubs that need pruning. Those who need excessive popping are simply forced move to a better home. Also becomes during the tests clear who the clay soil and weather here are suitable and who is not. You won’t find a well-groomed garden here, because we want to leave time to enjoy the work we have done.
Primarily I make this blog for myself, but if other garden enthusiasts also can find ideas and eye candy here, welcome. And maybe someone here will also find solace that if there is enough will, it is completely possible to create a little eye candy for yourself without having too much free time.