Aianurgad-aiaäärsed/Garden corners-garden edges

Aias ringi jalutades püüavad tavaliselt pilku üldvaated, lähemale liikudes hakkad vaatama detaile. Suuremas aias jäävad kõikvõimalikud aianurgad-aiaäärsed enamjaolt tähelepanuta, kui sinna just miskit tähelepanuväärset pole rajatud. Sama lugu on ka meie aias: nurgatagustesse ja aiaäärsetesse lähed peamiselt kontrollima, kas on vaja trimmer värsket õhku hingama tuua või mitte. Ometi on aja jooksul kogunenud mõned pildid ka sellistest kohtadest, kus enamasti pilti ei tee. Siinkohal siis väike valik piltidest, kus aianurgad-aiaäärsed on ka pildile jäänud või on aeda pildistatud sellise nurga alt, kuhu reeglina pugema ei hakka.

When walking around the garden, the general views usually catch your eye, as you move closer, you start looking at the details. In a larger garden, all kinds of garden corners-garden edges are mostly ignored, unless something noteworthy has been built there. It’s the same in our garden: you go to the corners and edges of the garden mainly to check whether it is necessary to bring the trimmer to breathe fresh air or not. However, in the course of time, some pictures have also been collected from such places where pictures are usually not taken. At this point, a small selection of pictures where the garden corners-garden edges have also remained in the picture, or the garden has been photographed from such an angle that, as a rule, one does not crawl into.

Tänavaäärne/ Streetside
Õunapuu alt/ Under the apple tree
Lõkkeplats/ Fire place
Grillitagune/ Behind the grill
Püsikupeenar tagantvaates/ Rear view of permanent bed
Aiaäärne/ Garden edge
Tiigitagune/ Behind the pond
Majaäär üheksavägistega/ House edge with common mullein
Vaade aianurgast/ View from the corner of the garden
Kevadine vaade heki äärest/ Spring view from the edge of the hedge

Järgnevad pildid on tehtud seljaga vastu aeda.

The following pictures were taken with the back against the garden.

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