Aed septembris/ Garden in September

Hakkab aga jälle pihta. Sügis, ma mõtlen. Kuigi sel aastal on vist patt viriseda, sest tõele au andes on september veel vägagi suvine olnud. Aed septembris on igaljuhul veel suht suvine välja näinud. Panin esimest korda elus aiale sügisväetist, sest pärast nii ekstreemset suve on ilmselgelt taimdele turgutust vaja, et nad talvele ikka kenasti vastu peaksid. Septembri alguses istutasin maha kolm uut tulijat: harilikud elupuud Sunny Smaragd ja Yellow Ribbon ning thunbergi kukerpuu Lime Star.

But it starts to hit again. Autumn, I mean. Although this year it’s probably a sin to whine, because to be honest, September has still been very summery. In any case, the garden in September still looks quite summery. I put autumn fertilizer on the garden for the first time in my life, because after such an extreme summer, the plants obviously need a boost so that they can withstand the winter nicely. At the beginning of September, I planted three new arrivals: the arborvitaes Sunny Smaragd and Yellow Ribbon and the Thunberg’s barberry Lime Star.

Thuja occidentalis Yellow Ribbon
Berberis thunbergii Lime Star
Üldpildis/ In the general picture

Septembris sai tehtud ka neid aiatöid, mida kuumuse tõttu varem teha ei jõudnud: pügatud hekke ja lõigatud viljapuid. Murelid on paari viimase suvega nii meeletult kasvanud, et neil tuli ladvast meeter-poolteist maha lõigata.

In September, the gardening work that could not be done before because of the heat was also done: hedges were trimmed and fruit trees were cut. The sweet cherries have grown so wildly over the past couple of summers that they had to be cut off a meter and a half from the top.

Murel taga keskel pärast lõikust/ Sweet cherry in the back center after cutting

Tarbeaed on kuivanud herne-, salati- ja tillivartest puhtaks tehtud, ainult mõned isehakanud maasikataimed peaks veel parematesse kohtadesse ümber istutama.

The utility garden has been cleared of dried pea, lettuce and dill stalks, only a few self-grown strawberry plants should be transplanted to better places.

Ja siis sai muidugi lõpuks ometi tehtud suur maalritöö, mida olen üritanud terve suve ette võtta: üle pintseldatud sai kolmkümmend viis aastat värvimata hakkama saanud kastmisvee mahuti. Vähemalt näeb nüüd lõpuks aed septembris veidi korrektsem välja.

And then, of course, the big painting job that I’ve been trying to do all summer was finally done: the irrigation water tank that had been left unpainted for thirty-five years was painted over. At least now the garden in September will finally look a little more correct.

Enne/ Before
Pärast/ After

Aed õitseb kuu lõpus endiselt. Eriti hea meel on mul metssalvei Midnight Rose üle, kes oleks pidanud augustiga õitsemise lõpetama, aga õitseb rõõmsalt edasi. Aga on ka neid tegelasi, kes on varasematel aastatel väga uhked välja näinud, kuid sel suvel pirtsutada otsustanud: raudrohi Terracotta ja hiidiisop Black Adder ei paistnud sel suvel teiste vahelt väljagi, suureõieline neiusilm ‘Solena® Compact’ otsustas aga sootuks parematele jahimaadele kolida. Viimastest näeb pilte SIIT:

The garden is still blooming at the end of the month. I am especially happy about the wild sage Midnight Rose, which should have stopped blooming in August, but continues to bloom happily. But there are also those characters who have looked very proud in previous years, but decided to be grumpy this summer: the iron grass Terracotta and the agastache Black Adder did not stand out from the others this summer, while the Large Flower Tickseed ‘Solena® Compact’ decided to move to better hunting grounds. You can see pictures of the latter HERE:

Salvia nemorosa Midnight Rose

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