Aed augustis/ Garden in August

August on igatahes liiga kiiresti läbi saanud. Kogu aeg on igasugused muud tegemised olnud ja aed on kuidagi omaette jäänud. Nüüd on siis näha, kuidas see üsna hooldusvaba aed augustis omaette hakkama on saanud. Pildipank on sel kuul ka üsna nadi. Ainult püsikupeenra arengust on veidi rohkem pilte, sest plaanin seal ümberkorraldusi teha ja just sellepärast, et aed augustis ka veidi rõõmsam oleks, mitte ei meenutaks kogu aeg, et peaks äraõitsenud taimi piirama.

Kuu alguses õitsesid astilbed. Kiviktaimla omadest on vähemalt pilt, aga varjupeenra omade õitsemine jäi kuidagi kahe silma vahele.

Anyway, August has passed too quickly. There have been all kinds of other activities all the time, and the garden has somehow been left to itself. Now you can see how this fairly maintenance-free garden has managed on its own in August. The image bank is also quite nadi this month. There are a few pictures only of the development of the permanent bed, because I plan to reorganize it, and precisely because the garden will be a little happier in August, instead of constantly being reminded that I should limit the plants that have bloomed.

Astilbes bloomed at the beginning of the month. There is at least a picture of those in the stone garden, but the flowering of those in the shade bed was somehow overlooked.

Meie lillast “hiidfloksist” on küll pilte klõpsitud, sest ta kasvas kuivast suvest hoolimata jälle üle meeter seitsmekümne. Mu lemmik Flame Marine oli aga õunapuu all vist nii janus ja näljas, et õied olid sel aastal väga väikesed.

Pictures of our purple “giant phlox” have been clicked, because despite the dry summer, it grew over a meter seventy again. However, my favorite Flame Marine was probably so thirsty and hungry under the apple tree that the flowers were very small this year.

Flame Marine
Rose Champlain 07-08-23
Rose Champlain 13-08-23
Rose Roxy 13-08-23
Aed augustis: 13-08-23

Augustis sai lõpuks maha istutatud ka sellesuvine emotsioonost harilik mänd Frensham. Aga arvan, et ta sobib oma kohale suurepäraselt, eriti peale seda, kui peenar korralikult viimistletud saab.

In August, this summer’s emotional purchase common pine Frensham, was finally planted. But I think he fits his place perfectly, especially after the bed is properly finished.

Frensham 27-08-23

Püsikupeenraasukatest saab rohkem lugeda SIIT ja SIIT.

You can read more about inhabitants of permanent bed HERE and HERE.

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