Kellele meie juures meeldib ja kellele mitte/ Who like with us and to whom not

Aegade jooksul oleme soetanud mitmeid erinevaid taimi, kes pole meie juures miskipärast püsima jäänud. Äädikapuu on osutunud siin külmaõrnaks, samuti robiinia. Kämmalvaher Atropurpureum otsustas ühel ilusal suvel keset kena kasvuhoogu ilma ühegi nähtava põhjuseta teise ilma kolida. Viimasest tunnen siiani väga puudust. Kui talle kena sooja kasvukoha leian, proovin millalgi uuesti.

Over time, we have acquired several different plants, which for some reason have not stayed with us. Vinegar tree has proven to be cold sensitive here, as well as robinia. Acer palmatum Atropurpureum, for no apparent reason, decided to move one beautiful summer in the middle of a nice growth spurt. I still miss the latter a lot. If I find a nice warm place for him to grow, I’ll try again sometime.

Acer palmatum Atropurpureum

Välja on tulnud vahetada ka harilikke kadakaid, keda vaevavad ilmselt seenhaigused.

Common junipers, which are apparently suffering from fungal diseases, have also had to be replaced.

2007 Juniperus communis
2022 Torkav kuusk/Picea pungens ‘Bialobok’ 

Ka esimesel pildil veel potis istuv kääbus-seedermänd kolis mõned aastad hiljem keset suve looja karja.

The dwarf cedar pine still sitting in the pot in the first picture also moved to the creator’s herd a few years later in the middle of summer.

Vastu pole siin pidanud ka mitmed hollandi päritolu okaspuude istikud, on kiratsema jäänud ja lõpuks hävinud.

Several saplings of conifers of Dutch origin have not survived here either, have become stunted and finally destroyed.

Mitu korda oleme üritanud helmikpöörisega Fire Alarm, aga seni on ta meie aias alati keeldunud talve üle elamast.

Several times we have tried heuchera Fire Alarm, but so far it has always refused to survive the winter in our garden.

Heuchera Fire Alarm

Kurb on, et meie juures ei sobinud olla ka aed-rohtlaliilial Cleopatra. Proua Cleopatrale oli tänavune kevad ilmselt liiga kuiv.

It is sad that it was not suitable for eremurus Cleopatra to stay with us. This spring was probably too dry for Mrs. Cleopatra.

Eremurus Cleopatra

Kasvada pole tahtnud meie juures ka ohakad: sügisel istutatud mesiohakas Arctic Glow kasvatas uhke leheroseti ja otsustas siis 2021 kuuma suve mitte kannatada. Lamedalehine ogaputk Blue Hobbit elas suve kenasti üle, aga siis hääbus ja loodetud isekülvi ei paista kusagilt. Isekülvi ei andnud ka põdrajuur, kes peale õitsemist sureb ja paljuneb uuesti isekülvi teel.

The thistles didn’t want to grow here either: the honey thistle Arctic Glow, planted in autumn, grew a gorgeous rosette of leaves and then decided not to suffer the hot summer of 2021. The flat-leaved thistle Blue Hobbit survived the summer nicely, but then it died and the expected self-sowing is nowhere to be seen. The elk root did not self-sow either, which dies after flowering and reproduces again by self-sowing.

Eryngium planum ‘Blue Hobbit’
Põdrajuur, schmidti puju Nana, üheksavägised/Seseli gummiferum, Artemisia schmidtiana Nana, Verbascum thapsus

Küll aga meeldib meie juures väga erinevatele pujudele. Eelmisel pildil paremal on schmidti puju Nana, kes on sinna kolinud kiviktaimlas lamandunud varrest tekkinud taimena. Üheksavägised annavad isekülvi ja ilmuvad välja vahel üsna ootamatutes kohtades. Sügisel 2020 istutatud kassiurb-pujud Silver Queen ja Valerie Finnis vajasid sel kevadel juba tublisti piiramist ja näha on, et seda tuleb veelgi teha.

However, many different types of artemisia like it here. In the previous picture on the right is artemisia schmidtiana Nana, which has moved there as a plant from a fallen stem in the rock garden. Aaron’s rods are self-sowing and sometimes appear in quite unexpected places. The artemisia ludoviciana Silver Queen and artemisia ludoviciana Valerie Finnis, planted in the fall of 2020, already needed a lot of growth restriction this spring, and it can be seen that this needs to be done even more.

Üheksavägised/Aaron’s rod
Valerie Finnis 2021
Valerie Finnis 2022
Silver Queen 2021
2022 Silver Queen vasakul/Silver Queen on the left

Kindlasti vohavad meie aias suurepäraselt rabarber ja leeskputk, keda saab siin lugeda lisaks kasulikkusele ka väga uhketeks dekoratiivtaimedeks.

In our garden, rhubarb and Levisticum officinale are growing perfectly, which can be considered not only useful but also very beautiful decorative plants.

Leeskputk paremal/Levisticum officinale on the right

2010 ostsime ehituspoe allahindluselt kaks kalifornia ebaküpressi Columnaris, kes peaks meil olema üsna külmaõrnad. Arvasimegi, et las olla meil seda sinist ilu ühekski suveks. Ja täna on üks neist juba neljameetrine.

In 2010, we bought two Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Columnaris at a hardware store discount, which should be sensitive cold. We thought that we should have this blue beauty for one summer. And today one of them is already four meters.


Äärepealt oleksin unustanud nimetamata monarda, keda igal aastal lõputult sõpradele laiali jagama pean. Tegu ilmselt aed-monardaga Adam.

By the way, I would have forgotten the monarda, which I have to endlessly distribute to friends every year. It’s probably monarda didyma Adam.

Monarda vasakul/Monarda on the left

Lisaks ellpoolmainitutele on aegade jooksul meil kõige paremini kasvanud tavaline päevaliilia, keda pole aeda tema laiutamisoskuse tõttu enam väga palju alles jäänud ja muidugi naat, naat ja veelkord naat. Sõjas viimasega oleme senini teiseks jäänud. Püüame küll aeg-ajalt vaadata tema ilusamat poolt, aga mis liig, see liig.

In addition to the aforementioned, over the years we have had the best growing common daylily, of which there are not many left in the garden due to its ability to spread, and of course ground elder and again ground elder. In the war with the latter, we have remained second so far. We try to look at his better side from time to time, but which is too much, it’s too much.

Vohajad kenasti koos/They grow nicely together

Kindlasti tunnevad ennast meie aias mõnusasti veel nii mõnedki tegelased, aga nende ohjeshoidmine pole niiväga vaevarikas. Näiteks roomav akakapsas ja roomav metsvits on nõus puude varjus muru asendama. Mõnedele taimedele paistab igasugustes tingimustes hakkamasaamine lausa loomuomane olema. Seetõttu valmistavadki eriti suurt heameelt need, kes suht sobimatutest tingimustest hoolimata siin suurepäraselt kasvavad.

There are yet certainly some characters that feel comfortable in our garden, but keeping them under control is not that difficult. For example, Ajuga reptans and Lysimachia nummularia are willing to replace grass in the shade of trees. For some plants, it seems to be natural to cope with all kinds of conditions. That’s why those who grow perfectly here, despite the somewhat unsuitable conditions, bring especially happy.

Isekülvanud lobeelia/Self-seeded lobelia

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