Oktoobrikuine aed/ Garden in october

Sügis süveneb vaikselt. Iseenesest on ju karged sügishommikud väga ilusad. Aga kui see käes on, tekitab see minus suurt soovi hanede kombel kõva lärmi teha ja ära lõunasse lennata. Oktoobrikuine aed püsis sedapuhku üsna pikalt suvine. Eriti kuu alguses. Otsustasin lõunasse lendamata jätta ja aias midagi kasulikku teha. Siis aga sadasid maha kogu suve ootel olnud vihmad ja ilus mõte aias tegutsemisest suri üksindusse. Kuigi jah, seda vihma oli väga vaja, kogu aiarahvas saab nüüd ennast talveks vett täis tõmmata…

Autumn is slowly deepening. Crisp autumn mornings are very beautiful in themselves. But when that time comes, it makes me want to make a lot of noise like geese and fly south. On this occasion, the garden in October remained summery for quite a long time. Especially at the beginning of the month. I decided not to fly south and do something useful in the garden. But then rained down the rains that had been waiting all summer fell and the beautiful idea of working in the garden died in loneliness. Although yes, this rain was very much needed, all garden life can now fill themselves with water for the winter…


Kuu keskpaiku ilmusid külmakraadid, vaher läks kollaseks ja viskas lehed maha. Õunapuud aga hoiavad siiani järjekindlalt lehti kinni, ilmselt on otsustanud sedapuhku igihaljaks hakata.

In the middle of the month, frosts appeared, the maple turned yellow and dropped its leaves. The apple trees, on the other hand, are still consistently holding their leaves, apparently they have decided to become evergreen on this occasion.

20-10-2023, õunad korjatud/ apples picked

Kuu lõpupoole üritasid õitsema hakata emajuured, aga vihma, lörtsi ja mõne miinuskraadi tõttu on pilt üsna kesine.

Towards the end of the month, the gentians tried to bloom, but due to rain, sleet and some minus degrees, the picture is quite poor.

Eugens Allerbester
Rocky Diamond

Püsikupeenra puhul olen väga rahul, et istutasin ette äärde hallid aruheinad ja mõned värvilised okkalised. Tänu neile tundub püsikupeenar ja oktoobrikuine aed veidi värvirõõmsam.

In the case of perennials bed, I’m very pleased that I planted some blue fescues along the edge and some colorful conifers. Thanks to them, the perennial bed and the October garden seem a little more colorful.

Oktoobrikuine aed/ Garden in october
Okkalised/ conifers 30-10-2023

Piltidel olevatest okaspuudest saab täpsemalt lugeda SIIT:

You can read more about the conifers in the pictures HERE:

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