Uued tulijad 2023/ New arrivals in 2023

Suvi on läbi ning kätte jõudnud aeg kokkuvõtteid teha. Suur põud on mu ahnust uute huvitavate taimede järele kõvasti piiranud. Samuti sõlmisin juba eelmisel suvel endaga kokkuleppe, et lihtsalt ei osta enne midagi juurde, kui taimedele koht olemas on. Niisiis nagu ei ostnudki väga midagi… Nojah, aga läks ikka enam-vähem nii nagu tavaliselt. Olen suutnud kõigest hoolimata kokku osta ja maha istutada üle kahekümne erineva taime. Kes on siis meie aias uued tulijad 2023? Kuna viimaste aastate ploomisaak on tänu vanadele isehakanud ploomidele kõvasti kahanenud, ostsime haralised ploomipuud Kubanskaja Kometa (väga saagikas sort) ja Mara. Koos nendega tulid meile ka kauaigatsetud aedhortensia Magical Moonlight (erakordselt suurte õisikutega), sõstardest kaks tüvivormi: must sõstar Titania ning valge sõstar Jüterboger Weisse, thunbergi kukerpuu Vulcano ja kolm puhmast halli aruheina Elijah Blue. Viimaste puhul veel kõhklesin pikalt, sest kevadisel ajal ei näinud nad küll veel piisavalt sinised välja.

Summer is over and it’s time to take stock. The severe drought has severely limited my appetite for new interesting plants. I also made a pact with myself last summer that I would simply not buy anything more until there was room for the plants. So it’s like I didn’t buy much… Well, it still went more or less as usual. Despite everything, I have managed to buy and plant more than twenty different plants. So who are the newcomers to our garden in 2023? Since the plum harvest in recent years has greatly decreased due to the old self-seeded plums, we bought plum trees Kubanskaja Kometa (a very productive variety) and Mara. Together with them, we also got the long-awaited garden hydrangea Magical Moonlight (with exceptionally large inflorescences), two stem forms of currants: the black currant Titania and the white currant Jüterboger Weisse, the thunbergs barberry Vulcano and three fluffy gray fescues Elijah Blue. Regarding the latter, I hesitated for a long time, because in the spring they didn’t look blue enough.

Vasakul/on the left Mara, paremal/on the right Kubanskaja Kometa
Hydrangea paniculata Magical Moonlight 2023-10-10
Jüterboger Weisse vasakul/on the left, Titania paremal/on the right
Uued tulijad 2023: taga keskel murulaugu taga Vulcano/ New arrivals 2023: Vulcano in the middle behind of chives
Punaste lehtedega thunbergi kukerpuu Vulcano/ Thunbergs barberry Vulcano with red leaves
Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’

Tuntud läti ehituspoest lihtsalt polnud võimalik soodsa hinna tõttu kaasa võtmata jätta sidrun-liivateed ‘Doone Vally‘ ja Fortunei kikkapuud ‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold‘. Esimest oli nii priske potitäis, et jagasin selle kolmeks. Lisaks hoiab ta suvi otsa kenasti värvi. Juurde ostsin veel ka nõmm-liivateed Highland Cream, mis edeneb meie mullal väga hästi. Uued tulijad on ka roomav akakapsas Princess Leia, metssalvei ‘Midnight Rose‘ (õitseb agaralt veel oktoobriski) ja nelk Red Passion.

It was simply impossible not to take the lemon thyme ‘Doone Vally‘ and the Fortune’s spindle ‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold‘ from the well-known Latvian hardware store because of the favorable price. The first pot was so full that I divided it into three. In addition, it keeps its color nicely until the end of the summer. In addition, I also bought the creeping thyme Highland Cream, which thrives very well on our soil. New arrivals are also bugle Princess Leia, wild sage ‘Midnight Rose‘ (blooms profusely even in October) and Red Passion carnation.

Thymus citriodorus Doone Valley
Thymus citriodorus Doone Valley, Thymus serpyllum Highland Cream
Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold’ esiplaanil/in the foreground, Dianthus Red Passion vasakul/on the left
Ajuga reptans Princess Leia ees valgekirju/in front with white variegated leaves
Salvia nemorosa ‘Midnight Rose’

Ja otseloomulikult mahub meie aeda lõputult okkalisi. Varakevadel ostetud hariliku männi Watereri ja hariliku elupuu Smaragd kurvast saatusest saab lähemalt lugeda SIIT ja neid meil enam kahjuks pole. Neid asendama saabusid harilik mänd Fastigiata ja harilik elupuu Sunny Smaragd. Lisaks veel sellesuvine emotsioonost harilik mänd Frensham ja veel üks harilik elupuu Yellow Ribbon.

And of course, our garden can hold endless conifers. You can read more about the sad fate of the common pine Watereri and the american arborvitae Smaragd bought in early spring HERE and unfortunately we no longer have them. They were replaced by the common pine Fastigiata and the american arborvitae Sunny Smaragd. In addition, this summer’s emotional purchase common pine Frensham and the american arborvitae Yellow Ribbon.

Pinus sylvestris Fastigiata
Thuja occidentalis Sunny Smaragd
Pinus sylvestris Frensham
Thuja occidentalis Yellow Ribbon vasakul/on the left

Lisaks eelpoolnimetatud thunbergi kukerpuule Vulcano sai suve lõpus istutatud veel kaks kollast thunbergi kukerpuud Lime Star ja Goldalita. Viimane nii imetillukesena, et eelmisel pildil ta hortensia tagant lihtsalt välja ei paista.

In addition to the above-mentioned Thunberg’s barberry Vulcano, two more yellow Thunberg’s barberrys Lime Star and Goldalita were planted at the end of the summer. The latter is so tiny that in the previous picture it just doesn’t stand out from behind the hydrangea.

Lime Star

Viimane selle hooaja ost olid tulbisibulad Estella Rijnveld, eks kevadel ole näha, kui uhked nad välja näevad.

The last purchase of this season was tulip bulbs Estella Rijnveld, in the spring you can see how gorgeous they look.

Sellesuvistele uutele tulijatele tagantjärele otsa vaadates saan aru, et olen sel suvel kindla peale välja läinud. Juurde on tulnud need, kes juba varasemalt on meie aias oma vastupidavust tõestanud: kukerpuud, liivateed, männid, metssalvei jt. Nad kõik on ilma nina norgu laskmata saanud hakkama ka viimaste aastate suviste põudadega ja ilmselt tuleb neid seetõttu juurde ka edaspidi.

Looking back at this summer’s new arrivals, I realize that I have gone out on some definite purchases this summer. Those who have already proven their durability in our garden have come to us: Thunberg’s barberrys, thymes, pines, wild sage and others. They all managed the summer droughts of the last few years without a problem, and there will probably be more of them in the future.

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