Kevad 2023/ Spring 2023

Niisiis: alanud on uus kauaoodatud aiahooaeg: kevad 2023. Jaanuaris oli vahepeal täitsa lootust, et kevad tuleb seekord õige vara. Ja siis sadas pool meetrit lund uuesti maha ning ei mõelnudki ära sulada. Veel 19. märtsil oli lumi täitsa maas ega paistnud plaanivatki niipea ära kaduda.

So: the long-awaited new garden season has started: spring 2023. In the meantime, in January, there was hope that spring would come early this time. And then half a meter of snow fell again and didn’t think to melt it. As late as March 19, the snow was completely on the ground and didn’t seem to be planning to disappear anytime soon.

Lumine aknavaade/ Snowy window view 19-03-2023

Seda suurem oli aga rõõm, kui nädal hiljem juba märtsikellukesed õisi näitasid. Lumikellukestel oli suur ladu lund seljas, nemad olid sel kevadel veidi hilisemad.

But the joy was all the greater when a week later the summer snowflakes already showed their flowers. The snowdrops had a large store of snow on their backs, they were a little late this spring.

Märtsikellukesed/ Summer snowflakes 26-03-2023

Veel nädal-poolteist ja kõik ülejäänud varakevadised kiirustasid samuti õitsema. Osa eelmisel suvel lõikamata jäänud õunapuid tuli kibekiiresti ära pügada, sest kevad tuli mühinal peale.

Another week and a half and all the other early spring bloomers rushed to bloom as well. Some of the apple trees that were not cut last summer had to be pruned very quickly, because spring came with a roar.

Krookused/ Crocuses

Viimastel piltidel on ees vasakul hiibapuu Variegata, kes on viimaste aastatega tublisti kõrgust kogunud. Varasemaid pilte temast saab vaadata SIIT.

In the last pictures, on the left in the front, there is a hiba Variegata, which has gained a lot of height in recent years. Previous pictures of him can be viewed HERE.

Harilik koerahammas Lilac Wonder/Erythronium dens-canis 17-04-2023
Kerapriimulad/Primula denticulata 22-04-2023
Siniliilia/ Scilla
Siniliiliad üldpildis/ Scilla in the general picture
Hüatsint/ Hyacinthus 27-04-2023
Tulbid/ Tulips

Viimaselt pildilt on näha. et magnoolial on sel aastal ainult mõned üksikud õied.

It can be seen from the last picture. that the magnolia has only a few single flowers this year.


Nagu ikka, ei erine ka kevad 2023 varasematest kevadetest selle poolest, et aeg läheb väga kiiresti ja kõik toimetused oleks vaja korraga ära teha. Sellekevadine projekt oli “majandusaia” kordategemine. Veemahuti, komposter, naati täis kasvanud aiaäärne… Natuke ümberpaigutusi, tublisti kaevamist, mõned uued tulijad ja asi hakkab juba ilmet võtma. Pildid projekti edenemisest kah:

As always, the spring of 2023 is no different from the previous springs in that time goes by very quickly and all the edits would need to be done at once. This spring’s project was tidying up the “economy garden”. A water tank, a composter, an overgrown garden border… A bit of relocation, a lot of digging, some new arrivals and things are already starting to take shape. Pictures of the project’s progress too:


Töö uue projekti kallal pole veel kaugeltki lõppenud. Plaanis on istutusala veel ettepoole laiendada. Selleks on vaja aga leida aega meie tubli kodulooma traatide ümbervedamiseks, töid raskendab ka kiiresti kuivaks muutunud savimaa. Muru on tänu robotile nii tihedaks muutunud, et traadi maast kättesaamine ilma seda katki tegemata on üks suur nokitsemise töö, nii tihe on muru juurestik. Plusspoolel on aga see, et selline muru põuda ei paista kartvat. Noh, lõpuks on jälle üks nurgatäis naate vähem, ettepoole tuleb ainult murusse kaevata. Kevad veel jätkub…

Work on the new project is far from over. The plan is to expand the planting area in the future. For this, however, it is necessary to find time to relocate the wires of our good domestic animal, the work is also made difficult by the quickly dry clay soil. The grass has become so dense thanks to the robot that getting the wire out of the ground without breaking it is a big chore, so dense is the root system of the grass. On the plus side, however, this type of grass does not seem to be afraid of drought. Well, in the end, there is one corner less full of ground elders, all you have to do is dig in the grass ahead. Spring still continues…

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